Windshield pitting is another common issue with the windshield that troubles numerous car owners. Yes, windshield pitting might not be as dangerous as a damaged windshield is, but it can gradually get dangerous with passing time.

This is why our windshield repair Toronto team explains the causes and some of the most reliable ways to get rid of the windshield pits.

What is a windshield pit?

The damage caused by the windshield wear and tear is termed windshield pitting. Windshield pitting is often caused by debris and dust particles.

Windshield pits create several patches on it, which eventually results in a visibility hindrance for the driver.

Hindered visibility purely implies the risk of unfortunate accidents. Hence, if your windshield is troubled by windshield pits, ensure that you get rid of them quickly.

What are the most common causes of windshield pits?

Next, what are the most common causes of windshield pits? Checkout the answers to this question below.

1) Some of the major causes of windshield pits are sand, dust particles, and debris. Hence, if your car’s windshield is exposed to these particles for a while, windshield pits might come into the picture.

2) Harmful chemical contaminants are another major reason for the windshield pit. Be it car wash, or from the road itself, toxic chemicals might acquire your car’s windshield, and hence causing windshield pits.

3) Any sharp object might also cause windshield pits. Usually, these objects are driven by wind, and they get stuck on your car’s windshield.

4) Ultraviolet rays from the sun might also cause the windshield pit.

5) Excessive rains, or snows, or even pollution might cause windshield pits too.

What are the dangers of windshield pit?

Now, when you know the meaning & causes of the windshield pit, let’s see what are the dangers that come alongside it? Checkout the answers below.

1) Windshield pits blind your vision, specifically when there’s excessive sunlight. Hence, driving with a pitted windshield in sunlight is extremely dangerous.

2) A windshield pit subsides the overall structural integrity of your car, which makes you compromise your safety when you drive your car.

3) Settling of the windshield pits for a prolonged timeframe might get the windshield cracked.

How do you deal with windshield pitting?

Next, how do you deal with windshield pitting? Is it even possible to get rid of it? With windshield pit, the best way to get rid of it is to replace the windshield.

The fact may make you feel a bit baffled and frustrated, but it is what it is. You might find several sources assuring of the repair, but you really cannot trust the quality of services they will provide.

If you really desire to restore your car’s windshield in the best working condition, it’s wise to replace it.

Remember, your windshield is the most crucial element of your car, and when anything like the windshield pit troubles it, timely action is a must.

To conclude, if you feel that the windshield pit is extremely minor, our windshield repair Toronto experts highly recommend taking an immediate action. Timely action might help you avoid the windshield replacement. Else, if the windshield pit damage extent has increased even slightly, we highly recommend that you go with the windshield replacement and all for your own safety.

We hope that you are now clear with the windshield pit, that is quite a serious issue, normally much more than it is believed to be.

If your windshield is going through it, or if it requires any sort of professional attention, you can count on our auto glass repair Toronto team to get the issue fixed promptly and efficiently. The experience of our team ensures that you get both, quick and efficient services. To reach out to our team, do call us at (416) 740-7779.


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